5 reasons for travelling by train

Some consider trains as a means of transport a bit old-fashioned. They are much slower than, for example, planes, and many tourists often prefer buses or cars. However, many travel enthusiasts will always choose the train over any other transportation means, and here are some of the reasons why.

How to design the perfect apartment in mainland Croatia

The most visited part of Croatia is surely the Adriatic Coast, but Croatian mainland also continues to develop its tourism offer. Many apartment and villa owners in mainland Croatia are struggling to find a way to best attract new guests with additional content and events. However, everyone agrees that one of the most important parts is the appearance of the interior. Therefore, it is important that the interior design of your space is interesting, and we’ve prepared several advice for attracting new guests with various design solutions.

5 best amusement parks in Croatia

The last couple of years have seen an increase in the number of amusement parks in Croatia. Although our amusement parks are visited by large numbers of people, many are still unaware of the exact type of entertainment offered by these parks. That’s why we’ve selected five of them which we believe will surely delight you and your family.